Krrish is an Indian franchise of superhero films. The films are centred, initially, on a mentally disabled boy (Hrithik Roshan) who has an encounter with an extraterrestrial being, and later, his ...
Krrish is an Indian franchise of superhero films. The films are centred, initially, on a mentally disabled boy (Hrithik Roshan) who has an encounter with an extraterrestrial being, and later, his ...
Singapore-based Dr. Siddhant Arya recruits a superhumanly powerful Indian-born man named Rohit Mehra, who was given special powers by a blue-skinned alien named Jadoo, to build a computer that can ...
Priyanka Chopra’s rise to fame in Bollywood is a testament to both hard work and chance encounters. At the recent Red Sea International Film Festival (RSIFF), the actress shared a captivating ...