Smartphones turn into an addiction for many children. They check them incessantly ... California has long been a leader in ...
Please purchase a Premium Subscription to continue reading. To continue, please log in, or sign up for a new account. We offer one free story view per month. If you ...
Are our children addicted to tech? What can we do about it?Are our children addicted to tech? What can we do about it?
Stella Christidi, director of the rehabilitation unit 18 Ano of the Attica Psychiatric Hospital spoke to - How the new parental control application works on social media ...
As a professional, it is a bit concerning to me how hard it was to ease off technology use in school. There are an increasing number of kids who are addicted to technology, like my son.
Researcher Killian Mullan said: "People think that children are addicted to technology and in front of these screens 24/7, to the exclusion of other activities - and we now know that is not the case." ...
However, some psychologists argue that addiction is exactly the right word for technology that keeps a minority of people dangerously hooked. Internet Gaming Disorder (IAD) is now included in the ...