Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg describes the Great Barrier Reef as "the Manhattan of marine ecosystems”. Coral reefs are vitally important nursery grounds for fish and other marine life.
In 2016 and 2017, marine heat waves caused by climate change resulted in mass bleaching, which killed about half of the corals on the Great Barrier Reef, along with many others around the world.
Australia's Great Barrier Reef has suffered another mass bleaching event - the third in just five years. Warmer sea temperatures - particularly in February - are feared to have caused huge coral ...
The Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia is the largest living coral reef system on Earth, about 300 times larger than the next largest reef, found off the coast of Belize.
Many visitors say the Great Barrier Reef is best seen through a scuba mask, but it's no small feat to traverse the area's dive spots. When choosing which regions to explore, consider your skill ...
Cruise companies have been called on to “clean up their act” by local conservationists and tourism operators concerned about the impact of liners on the Great Barrier Reef. A “massive ...
The Great Barrier Reef is still recovering from the damage caused by Cyclone Jasper a year ago. Scientists say mud and mangrove damage is posing a large threat to reef rehabilitation.
In one northern section of the reef, about a third of hard coral had died, the "largest annual decline" in 39 years of government monitoring, the agency said. Often dubbed the world's largest living ...
Many visitors say the Great Barrier Reef is best seen through a scuba mask, but it's no small feat to traverse the area's dive spots. When choosing which regions to explore, consider your skill ...
Australian scientists said Wednesday that they had found a widespread decrease in coral cover in southern parts of the Great Barrier Reef. Researchers have just completed a routine annual ...