He asked Moisseiff to serve on a board of consultants to the Golden Gate Bridge. Moisseiff, who by that time had become a heavyweight in bridge design theory, publicly loaned support to Strauss ...
"The net is a proven design that deters people from jumping ... people never gave up on something so important." The Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District said that the net ...
The Golden Gate Bridge's vaulting, orange arches amidst the rocky seascape of the San Francisco Bay have made it one of the West Coast's most enduring symbols and the city's most popular tourist ...
Critics attacked Strauss' engineering abilities, and described his initial design as "an upside-down ... to be invited ended up joining the Golden Gate Bridge District. The other counties withdrew ...
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- One year ago, crews finished installing the suicide deterrent nets below San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge. Tuesday, we're learning more about how the barriers are saving ...