interacting with the other enhancers and promoter. RNA is transcribed and specific proteins accumulate in the area around the gene. Fukuoka, Japan – Researchers at Kyushu University have ...
The researchers found that in imaged cells where Nanog RNA was present (meaning the gene was active), the most distant enhancer was located in close spatial proximity to the Nanog gene.
The researchers discovered that the most distant enhancer was situated in close spatial proximity to the Nanog gene in imaged cells that contained Nanog RNA, indicating that the gene was active.
Enhancers, on the other hand ... Ochiai and his team used an advanced imaging technique called seq-DNA/RNA-IF-FISH, which labels DNA, RNA and specific proteins with fluorescent probes.
Subscribe for FREE “We believe that enhancers play a crucial role in why transcription occurs in bursts of activity, but so far, the research is unclear,” says Ochiai. To test this idea, Ochiai and ...
Enhancers, on the other hand ... Ochiai and his team used an advanced imaging technique called seq-DNA/RNA-IF-FISH, which labels DNA, RNA and specific proteins with fluorescent probes.