If you like to save some cash by working on your car yourself, these six affordable Harbor Freight Gadgets can come in clutch ...
Like car restoration projects, it's a big job that can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are plenty of DIY car kits available to help make the job go as smoothly as possible. If you want to ...
Moisture is one of the most common problems we encounter in our cars. It becomes particularly troublesome during the fall and ...
Griffith makes three main claims in his video: that shaving cream is a good glass cleaner, that putting shaving cream on ...
Garage Tinkering plans to expand the project with more customizable features, such as door status, lights, and temperatures. This DIY technology shows how curiosity, hardware, and software can make ...
a device often found in car radios. It is known to be very sensitive and seemed perfect for pulling in weak signals. So [Sjef] built this DIY radio and shares the details in this recent Spectrum post.
For the past few years, I’ve been making my own at-home race car-shaped Christmas tree ornaments. It’s a fairly simple ...
A car is a huge investment that should be protected. Just as important as keeping your car's exterior clean, having a clean interior is an essential part of preventive maintenance. A dirty cabin ...
Looking to demonstrate the capabilities of one of these rebuilt alternators, [DIY King] bolted one to the back of a old bicycle and got some impressive, and frankly a bit terrifying, results.