Sanctuary AI's Phoenix robot is certainly an impressive beast, with hydraulically actuated hands that are incredibly dextrous. Well, those hands have recently become even more useful, as each one is ...
DIY Double Robotic Scissor Arm from Popsicle Sticks Learn How to make a Robotic Arm out of popsicle sticks. How to build a ...
his cheap robot hand. He was inspired by this project, where someone used an Arduino and a glove with some flex sensors to control a pre-made hand. He wanted to go a little more DIY though.
InnoSwitch3-EP family of off-line CV/CC QR flyback switcher ICs now feature 900 V PowiGaN switches.
A few unfortunates manage to do both at once. [MusaW]’s 3D Printed Quadruped Robot, on the other hand, moves in rapid motions that manage to look sharp and insect-like instead of unstable.