OKI Circuit Technology,一家深耕电子行业逾半个世纪的日本企业,近日宣布了一项革命性的印刷电路板(PCB)设计突破。该设计旨在大幅提升电子组件的散热效率,据称,其散热能力相比传统设计提高了惊人的55倍,为微型设备以及外太空探索等极端环境提供了全新的解决方案。 在传统的大功率电子产品设计中,散热一直是工程师们面临的重大挑战。常见的做法包括安装散热器和使用风扇进行主动散热,但这些方 ...
12 月 16 日,OKI Circuit Technology 公司宣布推出了一种新型印刷电路板(PCB)的设计,其组件散热能力提高了 55 倍。这家拥有 50 多年经验的日本公司,这种特殊的 PCB ...
IT之家 12 月 16 日消息,OKI Circuit Technology 于 12 月 11 日宣布推出一种新的印刷电路板(PCB)设计,可将组件散热提高 55 倍。这家日本公司拥有 50 多年开发和制造 PCB 的经验,这种特殊的 PCB ...
Elephantech Inc., a Tokyo-based printed electronics manufacturer, has announced a breakthrough in developing general-purpose ...
Integrated circuits (IC) serve as the backbone of any information system and mobile devices. This course provides an in-depth review of the advanced technology in ...
"We were surprised to find that these natural quasi-fractal lignocellulose skeletons not only support living cells in nature, ...
快科技12月16日消息,日本冲电气工业株式会社(OKI Circuit Technology)近日宣布,推出了一种革命性的印刷电路板(PCB)设计,能够将组件的散热性能最高提高55倍。
The Price to Earnings (P/E) ratio, a key valuation measure, is calculated by dividing the stock's most recent closing price by the sum of the diluted earnings per share from continuing operations ...
The OKI Group printed circuit board (PCB) business company OKI Circuit Technology (President: Masaya Suzuki; Headquarters: ...
Of course, the main attraction of “leaftronics” is its ability to break down after it’s been used. Science reports that the team can successfully remove metals and circuitry by placing this leaf-based ...
business company OKI Circuit Technology (President: Masaya Suzuki; Headquarters: Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture; “OTC” hereinafter) has successfully developed multi-layer PCB technology ...