Spanning over ten years of research, architects, anthropologists, and choreographers Cyan Cheng, Chen Zhan, and Mengfan Wang embedded themselves in the rural village of Shigushan central China – ...
Designer: Guangting Rui, Publisher: Shanghai Educational Publishing House The people’s commune ... this research aims to provide the first systematic account of the architecture of China’s people’s ...
China clamps down on 'copycat' foreign buildings China bans 'bizarre' architecture Shaking China skyscraper sends shoppers fleeing However, they would not under any circumstances be able to build ...
The research addresses the tendency toward vernacular obsolescence in rural China by identifying unique cases of previously overlooked vernacular ... Systematic documentation of these innovative ...
Another recalled seeing an imitation White House in Jiangsu ... "But if we import them to China, people can save money while experiencing foreign-style architecture." WANG ZHAO / Getty Raffles ...