于是我直接进入CSGO时期的列车停放站一探究竟! 游戏内CT出生点 CS2官方背景图 因为官方图片中有一滩水,列车停放站这个图里有水的地方可不多 ...
前些天,cs2官推更新了账号的横幅,为一片水泥地 有不少博主推测其很有可能是CS2中新地图火车的出生点 昨日,《CS2》官方账号再次更新横幅 ...
Figuring out the best lineups for CS2 Train could be quite challenging for the majority of the players, considering the iconic map has just been added to the game with the latest major patch on ...
Singapore's first-ever major CS2 tournament will feature eight of the world's best CS2 teams fighting for their share of a $1 million prize pool. The Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) BLAST Premier: World Final ...
Choosing the best CS2 Perfect World Shanghai Major Pick’Ems could be a challenge, seeing the number of new and mid-tier teams that have qualified for the event. Hosted by Perfect World ...
IT之家 12 月 9 日消息,《CS2》上海 Major 淘汰赛阶段的比赛已于昨日结束,8 支队伍从瑞士轮赛制中三胜晋级,将在 12 月 12~15 日(即本周四~ 周日 ...
在刚刚结束的《CS2》2024上海 Major 决赛中,Spirit 以2:1的比分击败了FaZe赢得了冠军。有消息称,在本次比赛中使用的显示器为AOC爱攻迅猛龙定制型号,这款机型目前只做成了260台用于赛事赞助,但AOC突然又计划将其推向消费市场。