Life is already challenging, but you can lighten your load and make things a bit easier for yourself. Here's how, from a Zen ...
The fragility of life, its fleeting and temporary nature is a fundamental tenet of Buddhism and many other religious ...
The five ascetics became his first five disciples. The Buddha taught continuously in the remaining 45 years of his life. He travelled around north-east India, teaching in a variety of dialects.
Buddha lived in northern India sometime between the mid-6th and the mid-4th centuries before the Common Era. In ancient India the title buddha referred to an enlightened being who has awakened from ...
His movement, Buddhism, arose in reaction to the increasing remoteness and abstruseness of Vedic Brahmanism. His followers deified him and, accordingly, mythologized his life; and it would be ...
Our Buddhist Club is growing every year, and has especially strong student leadership who regularly provide our broader community with opportunities for meditation (generally held at the Center for ...
Living in the past or taking stress about the future never leads to happiness. Buddha taught that people must be mindful and stay present in the moment.
Alongside Jesus and Muhammad, the Buddha is the most significant figure in the history of religion. Philip Almond's engaging new book is the first to combine a history of early traditions about ...
These teachings can be applied in all areas of life, including family and relationships. The Five Moral Precepts and the Noble Eightfold Path are important guides for the Buddhist family and other ...
Vesak typically lasts a week. Along with prayers at temples, people will also create pandols, large illuminated depictions of Buddha’s life. Houses and streets are decorated with candles and ...