and winter in Mexico. There are also year-round ... where it forages and weaves its nests. Many black and white birds live in the West, but the eastern meadowlark adorns grasslands and farms ...
It does not breed in the UK, but is a winter visitor. Rooks' bare, greyish-white faces, thinner beaks and peaked heads make it easier to tell them from crows and other black birds. Rooks are very ...
Snow Buntings are sparrow-sized birds with striking black-and-white plumage in males; they are often seen foraging in snowy fields during winter. This sparrow has a rufous eyeline and a larger ...
The most widespread, numerous, and geographically variable chickadee, this bird brightens winter days at bird ... Length 5.3". Black cap; white cheek; black bib; gray upperparts; greater coverts ...
One of the most common winter sparrows, the white-crowned typically occurs in flocks, which may involve more than 100 birds ... Adult: black-and-white striped crown. Immature: tan and brownish ...
Snowy owls nest on the Arctic tundra, often on a slight rise where wind keeps the ground free of snow. In years when the ...
If local observations are any indication, this so far has been one of the poorest in terms of birds at the feeders in the 10 ...
It’s that time of year again. Fall migration is essentially over and, while we’ll miss most of the colorful bird species we ...