作者 | Almir Vuk译者 | 平川策划 | Tina最近,微软发布了针对 Visual Studio Code MSSQL 扩展 的重大更新,引入了旨在简化数据库开发的新功能。根据微软的公告,本次更新面向的是使用 Azure SQL、SQL ...
Is your company considering a move from to the cloud-based Microsoft Azure SQL? Then this episode of TCS+, with First ...
Azure SQL Database Previews Microsoft has new features in preview for Azure SQL Database. Updated input and output bindings in Azure Functions allow users to connect to SQL Database with Python ...
Microsoft is also delivering more seamless Azure integration with SQL Server 2025. The new Microsoft Fabric database mirroring will allow customers to set up real-time analytics by replicating SQL ...