These asteroids are named after the humongous 1862 Apollo asteroid, discovered by German astronomer Karl Reinmuth in the 1930s, according to NASA. In terms of size, Asteroid 2023 YD is nearly 92 ...
it became clear the asteroid is a kind of near-Earth object called an “Apollo asteroid”. Apollo asteroids spend most of their time beyond Earth’s orbit, but swing inward across our planet ...
2020 XR is an Apollo asteroid, a class of objects named for asteroid 1862 Apollo. Such asteroids have an orbit that is larger than Earth’s orbit around the sun, and their path crosses Earth’s ...
This asteroid, which is about 0.6 miles/1 kilometer in diameter), is an Apollo-type asteroid whose orbit crosses the orbit of Earth. Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (7482) 1994 PC1. 17 Jan.
According to Science Reference, 2020 XR is categorized as an Apollo-Class Asteroid, an object “whose orbit crosses the orbit of Earth.” NASA defines any object that is larger than 150 metres ...
This may seem like a large distance but it’s enough for NASA to classify the incoming asteroid as a ‘close approach’ or a ‘near-Earth object’. It’s one of the many Apollo asteroids ...