Discover Windows 11's S Mode: its security and performance perks, limitations, and simple steps to switch it off for full ...
新款Surface Pro和Surface Laptop将搭载Intel最新的Lunar Lake芯片,与市面上的骁龙X版本形成强劲竞争。这些设备不仅将迎合市场潮流,还将成为微软首批支持Copilot+功能的设备,绝对是科技爱好者的福音!根据当前流出的信息来看,Surface Laptop的新外观设计与现有的Surface Laptop ...
It looks like it’ll soon be easier to quickly see how much battery you have left on your Windows 11 laptop. Neowin reports ...
IT之家 12 月 7 日消息,外媒 Windows Central 发文,透露微软公司正在研发一款全新 Surface 设备,目前仅知道这款设备的尺寸为 11 英寸,将搭载高通骁龙 X Plus 处理器,据称是 Surface Go / Pro 和 ...
If the TouchScreen is not working on your Windows 11/10 Laptop, you can use the following solutions to fix the problem. These solution will apply to a Microsoft Surface device too. If the glass on ...